Nokia X7 00 - Browse the web

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Browse the web
Select >



Tip: If you do not have a flat-rate data plan from your service provider, to save data

costs in your phone bill, you can use a WLAN to connect to the internet.

Go to a website
Select the web address bar, enter a web address, and select .

Search the internet
Select the web address bar, enter the search word, and select the first item in the

drop-down menu below the web address bar.

Zoom in or out
Place two fingers on the screen, and slide your fingers together or apart.

Open a new browser window
Select > .

Switch between browser windows

1 Select .
2 Swipe left or right, and select the desired window.

A cache is a memory location that is used to store data temporarily. If you have, or

have tried to, access confidential information or a secure service, requiring

passwords, clear the cache after each use.

Empty the cache

> >



Clear privacy data




